
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Apartment hunt

Apartment hunting again!!!

So this was another weekend of apartment hunting again.

First off we started off our Saturday by taking in Kristen's car for an oil change and we also found out that the oil pan gasket was in need of repair. So we had that fixed up and then I headed to David's missionary lesson and Kristen headed to a baby shower for her friend Sara.

David's lesson went wonderfully and he is progressing quickly towards his baptism which hopefully will be this next Saturday.

Kristen really enjoyed the baby shower and even won a prize for having the most things in her purse. Her friends laughed and said that didn't surprise them because they always thought of her as Mary Poppins. :)

Back to my story... So after David's lesson I went practically all over town looking for a good pair of slacks that I could wear for work!!! I finally found a perfect pair at D.I. I also found a good triple combination containing the book of mormon, doctrine and covenants, and the Pearl of great price. I was hoping to find one that I would be able to clean up and then give to David.

After all of that, Kristen and I went apartment hunting once again and really only found one apartment that offered similar amenities, however the rent for that home was so much that it would not save us enough to make it worth it to move and put up with all the expenses and hassle. And to be quite honest with you, we are very attached to our ward and would rather not move and have to get to know so many new people.

around this time we received a text from Julia. She said that faith and her were bored and so Kristen and I decided to go pick them up and bring them to our place to play nintendo. That was a lot of fun even though my controller was not WORKING!!! So I will have to get a new controller for our game night with Becca and Eric and Stephen.

Then the last thing of the evening was when we met with the rest of the family at Cheryl's home to practice for our St. Patrick's day program that we are performing today at grandma and grandpa Mclaws' home.

Well faith just spoke in stake conference about what its like to be a young woman in these days. She did excellent and the whole stake conference had been amazing and has brought the spirit into my heart in a great measure.

Well that's all for now. Tomorrow I will be registering for classes for fall of 2011, which will hopefully be the final semester for me at ASU. :)
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